Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Little Till-Num Tribe

Happiness will come

These past 6 months hae been really hard, but I must say that I am proud of myself for making it through, keeping my head, standing on my own two feet and being the best mother that I knw how to be.

Tough times have shown me the potential that I had lost, and I've seen that potential emerge in a froceful way. There were moments when I thought of going back to a life tht made me unhappy (thinking tht it would be easier) I thought that things would not work out and I would fail. But I've kept my faith in God, talk to Him daily and He has blessed my journey.

I stare into theb. Beautiful, innocent faces of my boys and they keep me on the path that we need to travel, they make me shake off the painful memories because I know that we will create memories that will over shadow those that cause grief.
We are moving on, and I pray that those that want to be in our life can make a positive change, but we will not put our happiness on the back burnner... we will continue to grow, we will contiune to love on another and be there for each other. We will laugh, and we may cry, but in the end this family will remain strong.

Trust that God is leading you in he right direction, talk to Him and share your feelings... He cannot be mad at you for expressing an motion that He has given to all man kind. Know that he loves and cares for you and does not want to see you in pain. You just have to believe that He is with you every moment of your life and the spirit of Jesus lives in you.

Let go and let God, live and let live. Happiness is just around the corner, you just have to keep your faith.
Yes, times will be hard--but at the end of it all remember all that you've been blessed with. He will never leave you.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Thought I would loose it.

A few months ago, things got bad and instead of sitting around wishing n hoping that things would change. I got up and made some much needed changes in my life to better myself and the lives of my babe boys. I was so afraid at first, but I pray everyday that the good Lord gives me the strength to keep on pushing.
Without my boys I would be nothing, and would most likley strive for nothing. I thank God for these babies I've been given to share the good and the bad in life. I am thankful for so much, because we have been blessed so much in our time of need.
at the start of this journey I thought I would absolutely loose my mind, but I am actually becoming a stronger person.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day :)



Thursday, September 24, 2009

These little guys make me laugh so much. I look at them on a bad day and they make me want to be better/ stronger. For them I will do anything.